Finding the right college experience can take time. If you’ve started your college journey elsewhere, but you’re considering transferring, consider SEU.
You are considered a transfer student if you have earned 12 or more credit hours directly from a college or university after high school graduation. These may be classes that you have taken on campus or online from a regionally accredited institution.
Any credits you have earned via AP, CLEP or dual enrollment may also transfer to SEU in addition to those you plan to transfer from your prior college.
We gladly accept college credit earned while in high school (dual enrollment, AP or CLEP). However, you are not considered a transfer student if these are the only ways you have earned college credit so far, or if you have earned less than 12 credit hours at another college or university. We invite you to apply for undergraduate admission as a traditional student, and our Office of Admission will work with you to discuss how your incoming credits will apply towards your degree.