College is one of the most substantial and important investments you will make in your life — which is why we’re committed to keeping higher education affordable and accessible. In addition to campus-specific scholarships – which are based on academic standing, financial need, and/or service opportunities – students can also apply for federal aid.

Please click the links below for more information about the general financial aid process of Southeastern University, and the tuition and fee structure of the Puyallup campus.

Tuition & Fees

  • Motion Interns Program

    Cost per credit hour: $339.00

    Tuition: $7,560.00

    Tuition covers the cost of your classes only; books and fees are additional. Tuition is charged per credit hour. Tuition listed is based on 15 credits per semester (for 2 semesters) with the practicum scholarship applied.

    Site Fee: $3,700.00

    The site fee covers expenses related to student development, retreats, local outreach, missions trips, and classroom facilities. The annual fee (2 semesters) is listed above.

    Housing: $2,700

    Housing will cover your costs of living in the dorms and all maintenance needs that arise during your time in the on-campus housing.

    Technology Fee: $350.00

    The technology fee covers the cost of facilitating online classes. This is a flat rate per year.

    Annual Total: $14,300.00

  • Traditional Student Programs

    Cost per credit hour: $389.00

    Tuition: $8,760.00

    Tuition covers the cost of your classes only; books and fees are additional. Tuition is charged per credit hour. Tuition listed is based on 15 credits per semester (for 2 semesters) with the practicum scholarship applied.

    Technology Fee: $350.00

    The technology fee covers the cost of facilitating online classes. This is a flat rate per year.

    Annual Total: $9,110.00

  • Graduate Programs

    Cost per credit hour: $495.00

    Tuition: $17,820.00

    Tuition covers the cost of your classes only; books and fees are additional. Tuition is charged per credit hour.

    Technology Fee: $350.00

    The technology fee covers the cost of facilitating online classes. This is a flat rate per year.

    Annual Total: $18,170.00

    *Please Note: the tuition rate for the MBA is $525 per credit hour.